Thank You To Our Sponsors

Our desire is that everyone who visits this website will come to see themselves in “The Family: A Proclamation to the World.” We hope that time spent here will help make the principles of the proclamation more prominent in hearts and minds. As a group of colleagues and associates, we have spent decades professionally teaching, studying and advocating for the family. We view the proclamation as the ultimate home and family improvement guide for creating, strengthening and healing families. We also hope this site will help everyone more confidently articulate and teach the doctrines and principles of the proclamation.

FAIR is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing well-documented answers to criticisms of LDS doctrine, belief and practice.Our mission is to create conditions where faith in Jesus Christ and His gospel can flourish. We answer criticisms and provide support for the teachings, counsel, leaders and public understanding of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. We take it to be our imperative duty to clarify and proclaim the truth. FAIR serves a growing community of church members. We work to fulfill our mission by using the best scholarship to provide reasoned answers to critical questions.

Public Square Magazine publishes persuasive, honest, engaging, and research-based work that contributes to a more productive public discourse. Our background as members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints informs the publication’s editorial focus and values, and it inspires us to draw a large enough circle to include voices of goodwill from numerous faith traditions and moral perspectives.

We hope we see you at the next conference!